An enthusiastic team of young secondary school students collaborated to design a series of interesting curriculum activities for the primary school students in five Catholic schools. The Foundation is very grateful to these young volunteers for their involvement, helping to develop a series of courses, to enrich the learning experience of the students. The characteristics of these courses include interaction, practice and application. Through various forms of activities, such as lectures, discussions, role playing, games education, experimentation and artistic creation, these help students to enhance their personal growth and develop their potential.
The 3-unit courses consist of 6 lessons in each unit:

Unit 1: Concepts in financial and money management, and home safety knowledge.
In this unit, we provide an understanding of the concept of money, such as savings, borrowing and debt, as well as charitable donation and financial fraud. They will also learn about internet safety, to understand how to prevent data breaches, as well as what to do if they encounter critical situations when they are left alone. Students can enjoy interactive training, as the course covers a variety of contexts, including lectures, discussions, role-playing and game education, etc. It aims to introduce the course content in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, and help students to participate and interact through the simulation of real-life scenarios, and set questions to let them think and apply the skills.

Unit 2: STEM Science Experiments.
In this unit, students will explore the five senses including sound, taste/smell, sight, and touch through interactive games. This helps cultivate students’ love and curiosity for science, providing them to learn in a stimulating environment through fun and interactive experiences. The content of this unit is centered on experiments, and students will experience science through a fun and interactive environment. Classic experiments, such as elephant toothpaste, paper volcanoes, lava lamps and density towers, allow students the opportunity to explore, which helps increase their interest in scientific experiments, and lay the foundation for more in-depth science learning in the future.

Unit 3: Arts and Crafts Courses.
This unit is designed to inspire students’ creativity and allow them to explore topics that interest them through art, architecture, origami, and more. This unit will inspire students to pursue art and enhance their skills to express their creative thinking. Students can create according to their own interests and themes, and experience the joy of free expression and creation of artworks.
This series of courses brings rich and interesting learning experiences to Catholic primary school students, helping them develop their abilities and potential in money management, scientific exploration and artistic creation. The goals of these courses are to inspire students to learn, develop their interests and skills, and lay a solid foundation for their future learning and growth.