Japan Earthquake

11th of March, 2011, a day that no Japanese can ever forget. On this day, the Northeast region of Japan experienced the most powerful earthquake in the modern era. All of us living in Hong Kong may not understand how terrible an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale is. However, the numbers below can give you a better view of the scale of this disaster.

The earthquake led to at least 15,875 deaths, 2,725 people were reported missing. Over 26,992 people were injured, and 1,168,453 buildings were damaged. This was the most dreadful natural disaster the country faced after World War II. The earthquake also triggered up to 7.3 meters tsunami, which in turn caused series of fire and nuclear leakage. The affected areas came to a halt. Many cities along the shore were even leveled by the tsanami.

In view of the disaster, we immediately donated HK$100,000 to support the HK Red Cross in their work on disaster relief and rebuilding of the community.

The entire town was leveled by the powerful earthquake.

The entire town was leveled by the powerful earthquake.

The earthquake triggered enormous tsunami which led to many loss of lives and great damages.

The earthquake triggered enormous tsunami which led to many loss of lives and great damages.

Our vice chairman, Mr. Jimmy So, represented us in the donation to Hong Kong Red Cross in support of the disaster relief of Japan earthquake.

Our vice chairman, Mr. Jimmy So, represented us in the donation to Hong Kong Red Cross in support of the disaster relief of Japan earthquake.