Donation of prevention supplies – Caviar House & Prunier (HK) Ltd

The epidemic in Hong Kong lasted for nearly a year, and the economy was greatly affected. Although the current supply of anti-epidemic materials on the market is gradually returning to normal, due to economic difficulties and the adjusted unemployment rate in the third quarter, it was recorded at 6.4%. A total of 259,800 people were unemployed. The unemployment rate has reached a record high in the past 16 years. Grassroots families and disadvantaged groups Still unable to afford this additional expenditure, the foundation is fortunate to have many good talents to continuously collect epidemic prevention materials to give grass-roots families the hope of doing their part during the epidemic.


Thanks again to Caviar House & Prunier (HK) Ltd for donating 440 masks and 1840 masks a few days ago, so that the foundation can continue to assist grassroots families in need to obtain enough anti-epidemic materials and work together to fight the epidemic.