Thanks to the Chinese University of Hong Kong Table Games and Chess Association for donating table games, a total of 32 boxes

Grassroots families are often trapped in cramped living environments. Students from some families rely too much on electronic devices or practice exercises excessively, often neglecting game time, which ultimately affects their learning effectiveness.

The Association believes that board games are the best alternative to balance the “electronic pacifier”. It is also a good tool to promote parent-child communication.
This chapter will move to the next chapter – students under the Friendship Growth Program play board games in their spare time to increase their thinking and communication skills, enhance their ability to solve problems and face setbacks, and also play board games. There is a time limit on the tour, which allows children to learn time management. It can also train logical thinking and reaction skills, allowing students to train their diverse learning and exploration abilities from an early age, which will be of great help to their future growth!

Thanks to the Chinese University of Hong Kong Table Games and Chess Club for donating a total of 32 boxes of table games.